Popularity of Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin: Feedback from Facebook

The current unstable political scenario has made the job of assessing the popularity of the Prime Minister difficult. Without a firm backing from UMNO, this has made his  political coalition precarious and his Parliamentary majority being questioned by the opposition almost everyday in the media.

With the above  political background in the country,  let us  together examine  data that I observed from Facebook postings I  made earlier this month. The first article was in English titled, ‘Muhyddin  Yassin: One Year of Success as Prime Minister of Malaysia’ and this was soon followed by a Bahasa Malaysia version of the same article.

Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin: Kejayaan Setahun Menjadi Perdana Menteri

Beliau dilantik pada 29 Febuari 2020 ketika dunia dan negara mulai dilanda pandemik COVID-19.Kali terakhir fenomena serupa berlaku  kira-kira seratus tahun yang lalu dengan pandemik Spanish Influenza, yang menjangkiti 500 juta orang dengan angka korban mencecah antara 20 juta dan 50 juta orang. Kawasan Nusantara tidak terjejas ketika itu, malah Malaysia pun belum wujud lagi. Kemudahan perjalanan amat terhad, hanya melalui pelayaran meredah lautan dari benua ke benua.

Muhyddin Yassin: One Year of Success as PM of Malaysia

He came in at an extraordinary time, only welcome by a new pandemic that by now has ravaged the world at such a speed, including Malaysia. The last time the world saw such a phenomenon was one hundred years ago when Spanish Influenza infected 500 mil. people and killed between 20 mil. and 50 mil. of them. Then, Malaysia was not affected – in fact the nation was not even born yet.